Over 1,000 attorneys strong.
Through a series of successful mergers and the establishment of new offices, Taft has become a premier law firm. Click the timeline dots below to explore our growth.
Taft earned recognition as one of the “Best Law Firms for Women and Diversity.” The list honors firms that utilize best practices in finding, retaining, promoting, and developing women lawyers. More info.
Taft earned Mansfield Certification Plus status in 2020, 2021, and 2022 which rigorously measures whether law firms affirmatively considered at least 30% women, racial and ethnic minorities, LGBTQ+ lawyers, and lawyers with disabilities for leadership and governance roles, equity partner promotions, formal client pitch opportunities. More info.
Taft established a one-class partnership, which gives all firm partners a seat at the table. More info.
Taft implemented an industry-leading policy for parental leave: 16 weeks of paid parental leave for birth or adoptive parents, regardless of gender, marital status, or primary versus non-primary caregiver status. More info.
Cynthia Blank became a partner in Taft’s Cincinnati office. Among the first female partners in the firm, Cynthia continues to inspire community outreach and arts programs for youth in Cincinnati. More info.
Taft Minneapolis became one of the first law firms in the country to bring computers in house to keep track of billable hours and inventory. The firm continues to seek state-of-the-art technology to better serve our clients.
Taft names Adrian Thompson Chief Diversity Officer, a position tasked with further developing and implementing programs and policies to recruit, support, and retain a diverse, inclusive workplace. More info.
The Taft Cincinnati team enjoys hotdogs and crackerjacks in the Taft Center overlooking the Red’s Opening Day Parade route down 5th street.
Each year, Taft Minneapolis joins Habitat for Humanity – Twin Cities to help build a home for a deserving family, supporting the nonprofit’s mission to make decent, affordable shelter for all people a matter of conscience.
The Women of Taft Dayton regularly host clothing drives for Clothes That Work, a non-profit that provides professional clothing, image counseling, and training for under-resourced job seekers in the area.
Taft Columbus sponsors and participates in Nationwide Children’s Hospital’s Rock ‘n Bowl, a family-friendly bowling fundraiser that benefits The Center for Family Safety and Healing.
Each year during March Madness, the new Taft Indianapolis associates host an event for the firm, including a skit, refreshments, and an “auction” of the participating NCAA Tournament teams.
Every year Taft Chicago answers “Dear Santa” letters, providing gifts and making the holidays brighter for students at a Chicago Public School.
Across Taft offices, attorneys and staff celebrate International Women’s Day by sponsoring local celebrations, making donations, supporting women-owned companies, and participating in activities to challenge stereotypes and fight bias together.
Taft Cleveland celebrates National Multicultural Diversity Day with a lunch featuring various dishes that represent the diverse ethnic heritage of the Taft team.