Over 1,000 attorneys strong.

Effective Jan. 1, 2025, Taft completed its merger with Denver’s oldest and third-largest law firm, Sherman & Howard L.L.C.

Learn more here.

Taft is expanding to Southeast Florida on June 30, 2025, with the addition of Mrachek Law, a distinguished litigation firm located in West Palm Beach and Stuart.

Learn more here.

FCPA and International Anti-Corruption

Enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and related international anti-corruption laws continues to increase. To effectively address the reality of anti-corruption compliance, it takes proactive planning and a diligent eye for changing and emerging corruption risks. Businesses operating in the international marketplace must play offense — assess and implement a compliance program, provide anti-corruption training and conduct due diligence of third parties to prevent violations before they occur. The U.S. is not alone in its aggressive enforcement of anti-corruption laws. Businesses locally and abroad need the help of strategic, thoughtful legal guidance to prepare for and comply with anti-corruption laws and avoid costly missteps.

Taft’s FCPA and International Anti-Corruption attorneys understand and regularly navigate the evolving challenges of the international business marketplace. We utilize a risk-based compliance methodology that embraces innovative technology and our diverse practice experience to assess and monitor anti-corruption compliance programs across a wide range of performance indicators.

Our attorneys have extensive experience in international compliance, internal investigations and white collar criminal defense. Our FCPA and International Anti-Corruption team includes a former Principal Deputy in Charge of the U.S. Office of Independent Counsel’s Washington, D.C. office, former Assistant U.S. Attorneys and former military attorneys with deep anti-corruption experience in non-permissive environments.

We offer a full spectrum of FCPA and international anti-corruption services, including:

  • Assessing, developing and implementing compliance programs.
  • Conducting anti-corruption due diligence on international business partners (e.g., distributors, consultants and other agents), potential employees, M&A targets and JV partners.
  • Designing and providing anti-corruption compliance training programs.
  • Conducting internal reviews and investigations of potential anti-corruption law violations, red flags and whistleblower complaints.
  • Government investigations and enforcement defense.

We also built Taft TTP, an innovative, custom technology platform that automates most of the third-party due diligence, integration and management process. Many clients have engaged Taft to handle their entire third-party due diligence program as a managed service, utilizing Taft TTP.

As a member of The Interlex Group(R), an international network of leading independent law firms, we have ready access to local counsel and investigation infrastructures in countries from which FCPA and international anti-corruption issues often emanate, including Brazil, Russia, India and China. We offer clients the international reach of larger market firms and the cost predictability and commitment of our Midwestern roots.

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