4Q09 Perspective: Where Does the Commercial Real Estate Industry Stand Today... and Tomorrow?
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Doubletree Hotel Cleveland S.
6200 Quarry Lane
Independence, OH 44131
7:30 am Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:00 am – 12:00 pm General Session
Speakers Include:
Eric Anthony Johnson, Cleveland Cuyahoga County Port Authority Development Finance Authority
Larry Hirsh, RSM McGadrey
Edward Leader, Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
John MacFarland, Resource Title
Bruce Lowe, Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
Dave Tavolier, Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
Importance of Tax Planning – Get Cash in Your Pocket Now, Reduce Risk and Maximize Lower Asset Values
- Maximize federal and state tax refunds
- Carryback of net operating losses
- Investment in energy property
- Tenant improvements related to terminated leases
- Tax issues related to debt forgiveness
- Tax ramifications of walking away
- Take advantage of lower asset values
- Estate/succession planning
- S Corporation elections
Strategic Insight to Doing Business in Today’s Market
- Owner/Developer
- Questions as to how they are positioning themselves in the market with portfolio
- Obstacles to investments – how to get it financed
- Restructure of current debt issues
- Receiver/Broker/Atty
- Questions regarding asset disposition process
- Obstacles to rapid sale
- Strategies for lenders/attorneys for rapid asset disposition
- Cost Segregation analysts
- Questions on debt restructure strategies
- Creating new value for lender – how to pull added value out of marginal loans
- Creating new value for owner enhancing reset or sale
What Lenders are Doing with Distressed and Under Performing Properties and Loans
- Bank originated loans: what is being held and what types of loans are being sold
- What is the current volume of under performing loans and in what product types
- The impact of foreclosures on lenders, communities and consumers
- When are banks getting active on problem loans
- Who is a source of financing today
- Senior mezzanine relationship and inter-creditor issues on distressed projects, how to work with participating banks
- Mezzanine lenders as equity holders – what are they stepping into
Legal Strategies and Consideration for Distressed and Foreclosed Projects
- The foreclosure process – how it works
- Foreclosure and mechanics lien litigation
- Lender and borrower rights during redemption
- Navigating title issues
- Short sales and redemption from foreclosure
- Commercial vs. residential foreclosure issues
Spotlight: Cleveland’s Future & Relocation of the Port