April 28-29, 2014
  • Presented by: American Conference Institute (ACI)
  • Location: New York City, NY

American Conference Institute's 8th Annual Paragraph IV Disputes Conference

Taft is a sponsor of the American Conference Institute's 8th Annual Paragraph IV Disputes Conference, held April 28-29, 2014, in New York City. The event is known as the pharmaceutical industry's leading forum on Hatch-Waxman litigation. Taft will sponsor the breakfast on April 28 and will have three presenters at the conference:

  • Steve Auten will be a panelist for the session titled "Assessing Pharmaceutical Patent Sustainability and Vulnerability: Strategies and Considerations for Brand Names and Generics in Anticipating, Identifying and Determining Which Patents Will Be Ripe for Challenges of Invalidity and Non-Infringement."
  • Richard Ruzich will be a panelist for the session titled "Looking Beyond 180 Days: New Exclusivity Challenges for Brand Names and Generics and Related Implications for Paragraph IV Challenges."
  • Tony Dowell will be a panelist for the session titled "Ethical Considerations for Paragraph IV Matters Before the PTO and District Courts: Inequitable Conduct and More."

To register or learn more about this event, please click here.

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