1.5 hours | Registration opens 7 a.m.
  • Type: Workers' Compensation Breakfast
  • Presented by: Jennifer Harrison, Sam Duran, Nick Davis
  • Speakers: Timothy McDermott - Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation
  • Location: Cincinnati Marriott North, 6189 Mulhauser Road, West Chester, Ohio 45069

BWC Prospective Billing: Premium Billing Changes For State Funded Employers

The Taft Workers' Compensation team cordially invites you to join us for breakfast featuring:

Prospective Billing by BWC of State Funded Private Employers, Effective July 1, 2015

Presented by: Timothy McDermott, ARM, CPM, CWCC: Regional Business Consultant, Southeast – Southwest Regions | Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation

This presentation will provide important information regarding the upcoming premium billing changes for state funded employers

Timothy McDermott CWCC, CPM, ARM is the Southern Ohio Regional Business Consultant for Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation. His background includes 21 years with BWC and 5 years in private insurance providing risk management and business consultation services to employers in the tri-state area. He’s been recognized for his expertise and excellent customer service. His diverse career also includes 15 years as a small business owner-operator and 11 years as a Business Technology instructor at Cincinnati State Technical and Community College. Tim has been a guest speaker for several civic/professional organizations, colleges, and universities throughout the region.

Roundtable Discussion with Taft Workers' Compensation Attorneys highlighting:

  • Brief updates on current changes in Workers' Compensation law
    • Voluntary Abandonment and Light Duty – Presented by: Jennifer Harrison
    • What Your Employees May Bring To The Job: Pre-Existing And Psychological Conditions – Presented by: Sam Duran
    • Hoyle v DTJ Ents., Inc., Slip Opinion No. 2015-Ohio-843: Insurability of Intentional Torts in Ohio – Presented by: Nick Davis
  • Questions and Answers

Breakfast is provided. Parking is complimentary.

Register now at the link above – seating is limited!

Event Registration

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