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2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
  • Type: Webinar
  • Presented by: Federal Bar Association
  • Speakers: Glen McMurry, Armen Kharazian
  • Location:

Conflict of Interest Restrictions After Government Employment

Many federal government employees who retire, establish a consulting practice, or take up employment in the private sector, using their skills and experience to support the business needs of their clients and employers. There are restrictions, however, on the ability of these former government professionals to approach the U.S. government, particularly their former agencies, on behalf of clients or employers.

Taft Dayton partner Glen McMurry will join Armen Kharazian to present and examine the general provisions of the statute and regulations, discuss the prohibitions they stipulate, and the applicable exceptions and waivers. The presentation will offer a special focus on the restrictions relating to foreign entities, and the relationship of these restrictions to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938 (FARA). The presentation will also offer an overview of key federal agency components and other resources relevant to the compliance with, and enforcement of the statute and its implementing regulations. Learn more here

McMurry is a partner in the Taft Dayton office and a member of the Litigation practice group. He has over 14 years of experience serving diverse corporations and individuals resolving a wide variety of issues, including complex dispute resolution and compliance with local, state, and federal laws. McMurry also focuses his practice on employment issues, construction claims, insurance claims/defense, and mergers and acquisitions.

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