12:00 AM
  • Location: 39000 Signature Drive, Solon, Ohio

Solon Chamber of Commerce HR Roundtable Legal Update

Timothy L. Zix, Peter S. Nealis, and Judson D. Stelter are presenting at the Solon Chamber of Commerce HR Roundtable Legal Update luncheon on September 16. The event was made possible by Stephen H. Jett, who is Chair of the Solon Chamber of Commerce Legislative Committee.

Timothy L Zix:
Current State of Workers' Comp

  • Claim Management
  • Investigation Strategies

Peter S. Nealis:
Document Retention and Destruction Strategies for Companies

  • Organization of records
  • Processes to manage operations and avoid litigation

Judson D. Stelter:
The Pitfalls of Social Media in the Workplace

  • Employer (& Brand Management) Considerations
  • Legal Risks and Remedies

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