Indiana General Assembly Summer Study Update
Indiana Lawmakers Convene for Technical Session
The General Assembly voted to override Governor Eric Holcomb’s veto of HEA 1041, which will enact a ban on transgender girls from participating in girls’ K-12 sports. The Indiana House of Representatives voted 67-28, while the Indiana Senate voted 32-15. They only needed a simple majority to overturn the veto. Seven Republicans split with their party to vote to uphold the veto. They were Rep. Ed Clere, R-New Albany; Rep. Tom Saunders, R-Lewisville; Rep. Cindy Ziemke, R-Batesville; Sen. Ron Alting, R-Lafayette; Sen. Phil Boots, R-Crawfordsville; Sen. Ed Charbonneau, R-Valparaiso; and Sen. Greg Walker, R-Columbus.
The legislature did not take up the Governor’s veto of HEA 1211, which focused on funding for broadband infrastructure projects and changes to agency adoption of emergency rules. The General Assembly can choose to vote to override the veto on Organization Day or at any point during the 2023 Legislative Session.
2022 Interim Study Topics Released
On May 24, the General Assembly reconvened for a meeting of the Legislative Council to take up technical corrections and approve interim study committee topics for 2022. The committees will meet during the summer and fall months to study each issue ahead of the 2023 legislative session. Among the topics, notable issues include:
- Education mandates on schools.
- The complexity index formula for school funding.
- Affordable housing.
- Maternal mortality.
- Market concentration of the health insurance and pharmacy benefit manager industries.
- The potential health benefits and consequences of Delta 8, Delta 9, and other THC products.
- The following tax incentives and programs are subject for review during the 2022 interim in addition to other related workforce programs:
- Coal Gasification Technology Investment Credit.
- Economic Development for a Growing Economy (EDGE) Credit.
- Headquarters Relocation Credit.
- Hoosier Business Investment Credit.
The Resolution with the full list of 2022 Summer Study Committees may be found here.
As for statewide offices such as Treasurer, Auditor, and Secretary of State, parties will choose their nominees at their respective state conventions in June. During the primary elections, citizens elected state delegates from their local communities who will go on to elect their party’s nominee for the respective races.
This year’s general election is Tuesday, Nov. 8.
In light of the leaked draft of the U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, it is possible the legislature will seek to address any abortion-related issues via a special session, as the vast majority of Republican lawmakers have already asked the Governor to call in a letter sent to him in March.
Taft’s Public Affairs Strategies Group continues to represent clients to address federal, state, and local government affairs needs. Services include but are not limited to, advocating federal community project grant requests, monitoring implementation of new laws, preparing applications for state-administered grant programs, and appearing before interim study committees.
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