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Type: News
Date: 03/26/2015

Burke Quoted in Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber Release Regarding Comments Submitted to EPA

Taft attorney Kim K. Burke was quoted in the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber's press release regarding comments submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The comments ask the EPA to wait for full implementation of the 2008 National Ambient Air Quality Standard before considering any further changes. Burke serves as vice-chair of the Chamber’s Task Force on Ozone Standards.

Burke is a partner in Taft's Environmental group and concentrates his practice in a variety of environmental law areas, including Superfund defense and negotiation, regulatory enforcement, development and implementation of hazardous substance remedial investigation and corrective measure plans, defense of toxic tort and other civil and criminal claims, real estate transfers, acquisitions and divestitures, government funding, including stimulus and brownfields, environmental insurance litigation, environmental permits and administrative proceedings before state and federal environmental agencies.


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