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Effective Jan. 1, 2025, Taft completed its merger with Denver’s oldest and third-largest law firm, Sherman & Howard L.L.C.

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Taft is expanding to Southeast Florida on June 30, 2025, with the addition of Mrachek Law, a distinguished litigation firm located in West Palm Beach and Stuart.

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Type: News
Date: 06/15/2023

Cashell Joins Immigrant and Refugee Law Center Board

Taft Cincinnati attorney Emily Cashell recently joined the Board of Directors for the Immigrant and Refugee Law Center to support its mission of providing accessible legal services to immigrant and refugee families in the Greater Cincinnati community. The IRLC was formed in 2018 to assist immigrant families facing a host of challenges including an incredibly complex legal system, possible deportation and family separation, and barriers to employment, housing, and education.

Taft is proud to be one of the volunteer firms involved with the IRLC and their continuing work to provide pro bono legal services across a spectrum of humanitarian needs for low-income immigrant and refugee families. For more information or to get involved with the IRLC, visit here

Cashell is an attorney in Taft’s Employment and Labor Relations practice, focusing on immigration law. She advises clients across industries on a wide range of immigration matters, including temporary visas, permanent residency, and U.S. citizenship.

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