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Type: News
Date: 04/27/2023

Covert to Speak at ABA Business Law Section Spring Meeting on PPP and the False Claims Act

Taft partner Jason Covert will speak at the ABA Business Law Section Spring Meeting in Seattle on April 29. His panel, titled “No Good Deed: PPP and the False Claims Act,” will discuss a U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) settlement with a bank for alleged violations of the False Claims Act (processing a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan to an ineligible borrower). It will examine recent legislation that extends the statute of limitations for any fraud committed under the PPP to 10 years. It will also explore possible strategies to mitigate the legal and reputational risk to financial institutions.  

For more information or to register for this hybrid event, visit here

Covert, a partner in Taft’s Compliance, Investigations, and White Collar Defense practice, is a former federal prosecutor and experienced trial attorney. He represents individuals and corporations in various litigation matters, including criminal investigations, regulatory enforcement actions, and internal investigations. Before joining Taft, he spent more than a decade with the federal government, serving the last six years as a white-collar prosecutor with the DOJ’s Criminal Division, Fraud Section.

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