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Type: News
Date: 04/08/2015

Diamant ADR Technology Article Published in the Dispute Resolution Journal

Taft partner Michael H. Diamant’s article “ADR in Technology and Applied Science Cases: A Better Way” was published in the April issue of the Dispute Resolution Journal. In the article, Diamant defines the broad range of technology litigation, which encompasses more than patent and other intellectual property litigation. He also discusses how alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”), with the properly selected mediator or arbitrator(s), generally provides an efficient and cost effective means of dispute resolution.

Diamant is a partner in the firm’s Cleveland office. He litigates technology, IP and business disputes and serves as an arbitrator and mediator for the AAA, ICDR and CPR. Diamant is a member of the Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center and received his B.S. in engineering, with high honors, from Case Western Reserve University and his J.D., cum laude, from Harvard Law School.

The Dispute Resolution Journal is a world-recognized authoritative resource for advocates, neutrals, parties, educators, public-policy leaders and corporate executives. The DRJ is also the flagship publication of the American Arbitration Association.

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