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Type: News
Date: 10/24/2017

Duncombe and Davis Article Published by National Defense

Taft attorneys Barbara A. Duncombe and Erin R. Davis authored the article “Watching for Government Outreach,” which was published on Oct. 23 by National Defense, the business and technology magazine of the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA). The article discusses whether the Department of Justice overreached in a False Claims Act case.

Duncombe is chair of Taft’s Government Contracts practice and a member of the firm’s executive committee. For over 25 years, she has worked with clients in responding to government investigations and False Claims Act cases and in conducting internal compliance investigations. She also works with clients to address questions or problems with public contract formation, performance, administration, payment and dispute resolution.

Davis is an associate in Taft’s Government Contracts practice. She counsels clients on government contracts law from the pre-solicitation phase through contract closeout, including interpretation of the FAR and DFARS clause requirements; subcontracting agreements; compliance with the Buy American Act, Berry Amendment and Trade Agreements Act; issues related to technical data rights, nondisclosure agreements, teaming agreements, supply agreements, name changes and novations; grants and other agreements; and specialized federal acquisition.

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