Over 1,000 attorneys strong.

Effective Jan. 1, 2025, Taft completed its merger with Denver’s oldest and third-largest law firm, Sherman & Howard L.L.C.

Learn more here.

Taft is expanding to Southeast Florida on June 30, 2025, with the addition of Mrachek Law, a distinguished litigation firm located in West Palm Beach and Stuart.

Learn more here.

GCP Video Highlights Taft Cleveland

Taft Cleveland, in conjunction with its Greater Cleveland Partnership sponsorship, launched a four-minute video capturing conversations with the office’s leadership and several attorneys who described their legal practices and connection with the local region.

The video can be viewed here.

About the Greater Cleveland Partnership (GCP)
The GCP is the largest chamber of commerce in the country. It represents the collective voice of more than 12,000 members, serving as a catalyst for progress and focusing resources to support priorities that include advocacy, business growth and development, physical development, economic inclusion and, education and workforce development. GCP supports the interests of northeast Ohio’s enterprises —from global Fortune 1000 corporations to middle-market companies to local entrepreneurs and small businesses throughout Greater Cleveland.

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