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Type: News
Date: 05/23/2018

Hayden to Present at NBI Seminar "Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Email and Smartphone Evidence: The Ultimate Guide"

Taft partner Mark T. Hayden will present at the National Business Institute seminar “Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Email and Smartphone Evidence: The Ultimate Guide,” on August 16 from 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Cincinnati Eastgate. This seminar will address how cases have been won or lost on a social media post, text, or email. As courts and litigators continue to grapple with these case-winning (and crippling) new forms of evidence, staying up to speed on the latest rules, procedures and case law is a must.  

For more information and to register for this seminar, click here.

Hayden focuses his practice on business disputes and personal injury litigation, with a particular expertise in the areas of wrongful death, products liability, competitive practices/unfair competition, insurance, construction litigation and intellectual property litigation.

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