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Type: News
Date: 07/21/2022

McBride Elected President of Salmon P. Chase Inn of Court

Taft Kentucky partner-in-charge Robert McBride has been elected as the president of the Salmon P. Chase Inn of Court through April 30, 2023. The Inns of Court are select organizations that are focused on building collegiality and improving the practice of law. The Salmon P. Chase Inn of Court is a members-only monthly meeting of litigators in Northern Kentucky. 

Additionally, the organization is affiliated with the Northern Kentucky University Salmon P. Chase College of Law and provides the opportunity for select students who are aspiring litigators to work closely with well-respected attorneys and judges in the community.

McBride is a seasoned trial attorney, experienced in investigating and prosecuting a wide variety of criminal matters. As lead attorney, McBride prosecuted cases involving complex financial frauds, money laundering, federal tax violations, healthcare fraud, national security matters, violations of the Export Control Act, immigration and human trafficking crimes and public corruption.

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