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Type: News
Date: 06/21/2022

McBride Quoted in Recent Articles

Taft Kentucky partner-in-charge Robert McBride was recently quoted in the article, “Why the chicken executive price-fixing case is a priority for prosecutors,” which was published in Food Dive on June 6. The article examines recent cases involving price-fixing in the poultry industry and how it affects not only executives in the chicken industry but in the beef and pork industries as well. McBride offered insight as to why executives are only recently being pursued in corporate cases. He states, “individuals can be held accountable for the conduct of themselves and others in their company if they’re aware of it. And, of course, individuals can have the most severe action taken against them, which in these kinds of cases, is removing their liberty.” To read the full article, visit here.

Additionally, McBride was previously quoted in the Legal Dive article, “Despite DOJ’s more rigid view of cooperation, GCs have path to achieve credit, attorney says,” published on April 25. The article discusses the DOJ’s new enforcement approach in regards to corporate cooperation credit and general counsel. To read the full article, visit here.

McBride is a seasoned trial attorney, experienced in investigating and prosecuting a wide variety of criminal matters. As lead attorney, McBride prosecuted cases involving complex financial frauds, money laundering, federal tax violations, healthcare fraud, national security matters, violations of the Export Control Act, immigration and human trafficking crimes and public corruption.

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