Meister Chairs Presentation at 35th Annual ABA Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Section National Symposium
Julia B. Meister, head of Taft’s Wealth Transfer Litigation practice, and a partner in the firm’s Litigation, Private Client, and Health Care and Life Sciences groups, will chair a panel presentation and present at the 35th Annual American Bar Association’s Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Section National CLE Symposium in Washington, DC, from May 10-12. The presentation, “Arbitration of Trust and Estate Disputes: Should It Be in Your Toolbox?”, will address the basics of arbitration, how to successfully navigate an arbitration, what can and cannot be arbitrated, the drafting considerations for arbitration provisions, and real world experiences of those who have drafted clauses and arbitrated trust and estate disputes.
The symposium will highlight the latest developments in real estate and trust and estate law and will feature speakers from a variety of professions, including practitioners and professionals, and government and judicial insiders. To register for the symposium, visit here.
Meister counsels clients and represents them in business, class action, commercial, estate, guardianship, trust and fiduciary matters and professional ethics and discipline matters before courts, administrative tribunals and arbitrators. She is an elected Fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel and chair of its national Elder Law Committee.
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