Opportunity Zone Magazine Recognizes Poulakidas with Third Honor

Kostas A. Poulakidas has been recognized by Opportunity Zone Magazine for the third consecutive year as one of the 2021 “Top 25” Opportunity Zone Influencers in the U.S in the attorney category. View the full list here.
Award winners gain the recognition based on their vision, influence, and industry experience. Opportunity Zone programs spur economic activity through tax incentives. The programs offer tax benefits for investing in low-income communities through Qualified Opportunity Funds.
Poulakidas is co-chair of Taft’s Public Finance and Economic Development practice. He focuses on public/municipal finance, economic development incentives and strategies, tax increment financing (TIF), venture capital, EB5 financing, tax benefits related to Qualified Opportunity Zones, forming Qualified Opportunity Zone Funds for private equity investment, private-public partnerships (P3s), and project finance. He is frequently invited to present at seminars and programs devoted to Opportunity Zones.
Opportunity Zone Magazine is published by Opportunity Zone Expo — the country’s leading education, networking, and marketing platform for key players in the industry. The platform was created out of the need for marketplace transparency and to connect individuals who are interested in learning about opportunity zones, including fund managers, attorneys, real estate developers, tax specialists, investment banks, institutional investors and government officials. Opportunity Zone Magazine publishes peer-reviewed and board-approved articles written by experienced professionals in the industry.
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