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Type: News
Date: 06/20/2018

Rubenfire Elected President of the Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit

Mark Rubenfire was named president of the Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit on June 19 at its annual meeting. He will serve a two-year term as lay leader of the organization, working with the executive director and board of directors.

Rubenfire is part of the Real Estate practice group. He specializes in real estate law, real estate leasing, and real estate lending and workouts. 

Rubenfire was first elected as a board member of the Jewish Community Center for Metropolitan Detroit in 2011. In 2012, he was appointed to the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors.

The Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit works to play a role in the physical, social, spiritual and educational well-being of the Jewish and general community. The facility offers year-round programming of families, children, teens and adults.

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