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Type: News
Date: 06/08/2020

Smith to Participate in Black Community Conversation Series

Cleveland associate Allison N. Smith is one of five panelists participating in The Solution’s Black Community Conversation Series on June 9 at 7:30 p.m. EDT. The panelists will discuss how the newly-released, controversial racial equity music video, “Sue Me,” affected them. The video imagines a world of black privilege, and is full of references depicting biases in reverse. A different universe is supposed, one where white people are denigrated and targeted across every aspect of their life, and black people are the “default” race.

Smith will be joined in the panel discussion by an Ohio Supreme Court justice, a prosecutor, a community organizer, and a college student. The conversation will be broadcast on Facebook.

Smith focuses her practice on the representation of hospitals, physician groups, and other health care organizations regarding the regulatory, transactional, and business aspects of health care law. She assists in the sale, purchase, and leasing of health care assets, facilities, and services, including nursing homes, senior housing facilities, and physician practices. Smith earned her J.D. from Case Western Reserve University School of Law in 2019.

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