Taft E-Discovery Professional Honored with CEDS Certification and ILTA Election
Taft Litigation Support Analyst Jennifer Pettigrew has earned the prestigious designation of Certified E-Discovery Specialist (CEDS). She is one of a select group of e-discovery professionals who passed the rigorous four-hour certification examination, which provides a tough and objective measure of mastery of the challenging field of e-Discovery. The test was administered by the Association of Certified E-Discovery Specialists (ACEDS) and Kryterion, a psychometric firm. The exam was assembled over eight months by a team of 40 leading e-Discovery professionals, under the guidance of ACEDS and Kryterion management, to ensure that the exam was technically sound and legally defensible. The computer-based examination has 145 items. The certification exam is offered at 560 secure ACEDS-Kryterion Testing Centers worldwide, including 320 in the United States and 30 in Canada. For more information on CEDS certification, please visit www.ACEDS.org.
In addition, Pettigrew was elected to serve as a North Central Regional Litigation Support Member Liaison for the International Legal Technology Association (ILTA). For over three decades, the ILTA has led the way in sharing knowledge and experience with those who face challenges in law firms and legal departments. Through the delivery of educational content and peer-networking opportunities, the ILTA provides members with information resources to make technology work for the legal profession. For more information, visit www.iltanet.org.
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