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Effective Jan. 1, 2025, Taft completed its merger with Denver’s oldest and third-largest law firm, Sherman & Howard L.L.C.

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Taft is expanding to Southeast Florida on June 30, 2025, with the addition of Mrachek Law, a distinguished litigation firm located in West Palm Beach and Stuart.

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Type: News
Date: 09/28/2011

Taft's Dayton Office Experiences Growth: Victoria Nilles, Ben Hager and Joshua Prentice are latest additions

Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP is pleased to announce that Victoria L. Nilles and Benjamin W. Hager recently joined the firm’s Dayton office in the Litigation and Tax practice groups, respectively. In addition, summer associate Joshua Prentice accepted the firm’s offer to return in 2012, after he receives his J.D. from George Washington University, as an associate focusing on Government Contracts.

Victoria L. Nilles is Of Counsel in Taft’s Litigation practice group. She focuses her practice in the area of general commercial litigation, including lender liability, tort, complex contractual disputes, and unfair competition, as well as intellectual property and trademark matters in state and federal courts and before the USPTO’s Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. Nilles has represented purchasers, suppliers, manufacturers, banks, financial services companies, and small businesses in a variety of cases. In her first career, after graduation from West Point, Nilles was a Military Intelligence Officer in the United States Army, serving in various command and staff positions in the United States and Germany. She received her J.D. from Washburn University School of Law, and she is admitted to practice in Indiana, Kansas and Ohio.

Benjamin W. Hager is a member of Taft’s Tax practice group. As a law clerk and summer associate, he gained experience researching and analyzing legal courses of action based on client goals and preparing necessary legal documents for filing, including complaints and motions. Hager also assisted with litigation preparation, reviewed complaints, and summarized legal arguments. He received his J.D. and LL.M. degree in taxation from the University of Denver Sturm College of Law.

With the addition of Nilles and Hager, Taft has 29 attorneys in its Dayton office. “We are thrilled with the current growth in Taft’s Dayton office,” said Jeffrey A. Mullins, Office Partner-in-Charge. “We continue to recruit attorneys with select skill sets who can add value to client relationships and make significant contributions to the firm.” Taft’s Dayton Office grew by eight attorneys in 2009, three in 2010, three in 2011 and, in addition to Joshua, more are expected in 2012. 

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