Over 1,000 attorneys strong.

Effective Jan. 1, 2025, Taft completed its merger with Denver’s oldest and third-largest law firm, Sherman & Howard L.L.C.

Learn more here.

Taft is expanding to Southeast Florida on June 30, 2025, with the addition of Mrachek Law, a distinguished litigation firm located in West Palm Beach and Stuart.

Learn more here.


Chris is a senior paralegal in the firm’s Litigation group, focusing in domestic relations matters. He has been working as a paralegal for 40 years and during that time has assisted in all facets of family law proceedings including pre- and post-decree matters, adoptions, allocation of parental responsibility cases, complex divorce cases of all descriptions, inter-state custody disputes, and grandparent visitation rights.

Chris’ years of experience help manage clients’ fees as he can provide significant assistance to counsel. His competence and compassion are also of valuable assistance to clients who find themselves in need of help during what may be the most difficult time of their lives.

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