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Taft is expanding to Southeast Florida on June 30, 2025, with the addition of Mrachek Law, a distinguished litigation firm located in West Palm Beach and Stuart.

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Jennifer Garner

Partner Chicago


Jennifer works on matters involving the acquisition, disposition, leasing, and financing of commercial properties, both locally and nationally. She drafts and negotiates purchase and sale agreements, leases, financing documents and reciprocal easement and operating agreements.

A significant part of Jennifer’s practice ‎‎includes working with landlords and tenants on office, industrial and retail ‎‎leasing. ‎‎She currently serves as lead landlord ‎‎counsel for 11 downtown Chicago ‎‎high-rise office buildings and two ‎‎suburban high-rise office ‎‎buildings, as well as serving as lead landlord leasing ‎‎counsel for four other high-rise office ‎‎buildings in other large U.S. cities. ‎‎Jennifer is also the lead landlord leasing ‎‎counsel for the regional industrial ‎‎portfolios of two institutional clients.

In ‎‎addition to drafting and negotiating ‎‎leases and lease-related ‎documentation, ‎Jennifer counsels clients ‎on issues ‎related to leases and the ‎landlord and ‎tenant relationship, ‎including those ‎involving leasehold ‎improvements, ‎assignments and ‎subleases, letters of ‎credit, and tenant ‎defaults.

Jennifer has overseen the acquisition and disposition of numerous office, industrial, retail and multi-family properties.  As a result of Jennifer’s extensive leasing experience, she has also overseen many sale-leaseback transactions.


  • University of Michigan Law School (2008)

    cum laude

  • University of Michigan (2004)

    B.A., Political Science and English with a minor in Applied Statistics, with High Distinction


  • State - Illinois

Notable Matters

Jennifer’s experience includes the representation of:

  • A major office building REIT in its nationwide leasing program, including serving as a resource for in-house and outside counsel in addressing all legal issues regarding the negotiation, transfer, and enforcement of letters of credit.
  • Multiple institutional property owners in negotiating office and retail leases and related ownership issues for numerous major office buildings in downtown and suburban Chicago.
  • Multiple property owners in the leasing and related ownership issues for a number of office and industrial buildings located in the Chicago metropolitan area.
  • Multiple office building owners in the negotiation of anchor tenant leases‎.
  • Institutional owners in connection with ‎retail leasing for shopping centers and a ‎downtown Chicago retail building.‎ ‎
  • ‎A national life insurance company in ‎connection with the sale and leaseback ‎of its headquarters‎.
  • A major academic medical center in connection with real estate acquisitions and development.
  • A national insurance company in the acquisition and disposition of multifamily, office, and industrial properties.
  • An institutional retailer in the acquisition and disposition of retail shopping center developments.
  • A wind farm operator in negotiating and documenting easement and license agreements.