
Joseph M. Dencker
- E
- T (303) 299-8166
- F (303) 298-0940
Joe has more than 20 years of experience in all aspects of estate planning involving wills, trusts, charitable techniques, valuation discounts and freezes, and other sophisticated wealth transfer strategies.
Best Lawyers in America, Denver, Tax Law (2021 – 2025)
Best Lawyers in America, Denver, Trusts and Estates (2021 – 2025)
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All Practices
- Harvard Law School
J.D., cum laude, 1991
- Yale University
B.A., summa cum laude, 1988
With Distinction in Economics and Mathematics
Phi Beta Kappa
- State - Colorado
Notable Matters
- Advises families on all aspects of estate and wealth transfer planning.
- Works with families in designing estate plans with a view toward maximizing the financial and human capital of children and descendants, and minimizing federal income, gift, estate and generation-skipping transfer taxes.
- Helps families implement plans that include discounting, value-freezing, family office, family trust company, and planned charitable giving techniques.
- Advises families on family business succession matters, including buy/sell agreements, the use of life insurance, and tax-minimization.
- Advises personal representatives, trustees, heirs and beneficiaries in estate and trust administration matters.
- Advises individuals on pre- and post-nuptial agreements.
- Represents clients in trust, estate and tax controversy matters in various Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and court venues.
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Professional Affiliations
- Colorado Bar Association
Trusts and Estates Section
Real Property, Probate and Trust Section - American Bar Association
Trusts and Estate Section
Real Property, Probate and Trust Section - Rocky Mountain Estate Planning Council
Community Involvement
- Yale Alumni Schools Committee
Former Director (Colorado)