Over 1,000 attorneys strong.

Effective Jan. 1, 2025, Taft completed its merger with Denver’s oldest and third-largest law firm, Sherman & Howard L.L.C.

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Taft is expanding to Southeast Florida on June 30, 2025, with the addition of Mrachek Law, a distinguished litigation firm located in West Palm Beach and Stuart.

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Ryan represents governmental issuers, as well as other transaction participants, in public finance transactions in Nevada. He serves as bond counsel, disclosure counsel, and issuer’s counsel in a wide variety of tax-exempt and taxable public finance transactions. Ryan is experienced with general obligation bonds, revenue-backed general obligations, installment-purchase and lease purchase financings, assessment financings (i.e., SIDs), tax-increment financings, medium-term obligations, letters of credit, and numerous types of revenue obligations, including water/sewer revenue bonds, airport revenue bonds, motor vehicle fuel-tax revenue bonds, and sales tax revenue bonds.

During his career, Ryan has represented numerous public issuers including states, school districts, counties, cities, water/airport authorities and districts, convention and visitor authorities, redevelopment agencies, fire protection districts, general improvement districts, and other quasi-municipalities in connection with public finance transactions. He has helped issuers finance and refinance a wide array of public improvement projects related to school facilities and equipment, public safety, public buildings, hospitals, sanitary sewer, clean water, drainage and flood control, parks, airports, highways and streets, transportation, landfills, fire and vacuum trucks, emergency communication systems, an animal shelter, convention centers, a train trench project, downtown corridors, a sports stadium, an athletic center, and energy conservation projects.

His practice includes advising issuers on the legal requirements at every step of the issuance process and providing guidance on compliance with applicable federal tax, state, and securities laws, and drafting the related required legal documents. Ryan also advises clients regarding ballot question matters and has extensive experience providing legal advice in connection with various types of refundings, including the issuance of crossover and Cinderella refunding bonds.

Prior to joining Taft, he served as a law clerk to the Honorable Justice Mark Gibbons of the Nevada Supreme Court.


  • Top Ranked Attorneys (fka Legal Elite) in Northern Nevada, Nevada Business magazine (2023 – present)

All Service Areas


  • University of Nevada Las Vegas William S. Boyd School of Law (2012)

    J.D., summa cum laude

    Nevada Law Journal, articles editor

  • Oregon Institute of Technology (2008)

    B.S., Communication Studies, summa cum laude


  • State - Nevada
  • State - Oregon

Notable Matters

  • Participated as bond counsel and disclosure counsel in connection with more than 150 transactions with principal amounts ranging from $320,000 to over $600 million.
  • Provided bond and disclosure counsel services to school districts for financings with principal amounts totaling more than $3.6 billion (2014-2019).
  • Provided bond and disclosure counsel services to states, cities, and counties for financings with principal amounts totaling more than $4.2 billion (2014-2019).

Professional Affiliations

  • National Association of Bond Lawyers