Over 1,000 attorneys strong.

Effective Jan. 1, 2025, Taft completed its merger with Denver’s oldest and third-largest law firm, Sherman & Howard L.L.C.

Learn more here.

Taft is expanding to Southeast Florida on June 30, 2025, with the addition of Mrachek Law, a distinguished litigation firm located in West Palm Beach and Stuart.

Learn more here.

State Attorneys General

State attorneys general (State AGs) often initiate litigation, investigations, and enforcement actions to address areas they believe are in the public’s interest. Today, State AG activity moves rapidly and reaches across industries and practice areas. Taft has a deep bench of lawyers with experience in such matters, who possess familiarity and synergy with State AGs across the country on various issues and interests.

Taft’s attorneys have served as state and federal prosecutors, regulatory attorneys, senior political appointees, and outside counsel to State AGs. They have experience in various fields pertaining to the State AG space, including antitrust, communications law, political law, and environmental matters. Taft’s team members are litigators, investigators, defense attorneys, enforcement lawyers, and State AG specialists.

The jurisdictional reach of State AGs is increasing, and the traditional physical state boundaries no longer serve as a marker for State AG activity. More and more, individuals, entities, and state, local, and federal agencies find themselves the subject of investigation and litigation by State AGs. When a client finds itself the subject of such an inquiry, it is vital to have counsel who understands both the historical and current approach employed by the State AG at issue. It is equally important to choose counsel who is known and respected by the State AG office. Taft has an excellent reputation with many State AGs, built through our team’s long history of representing and opposing State AGs in litigation. Having represented both State AGs and their frequent adversaries, including the U.S. government, in various matters, Taft’s litigators have notable experience.

We are skilled at navigating subpoenas, civil investigative demands for testimony and information, and investigative and enforcement actions by State AGs. Our attorneys instinctively understand the practical impact, risks, and strategies most relevant when litigating on behalf of or against State AGs.

Our lawyers are also well-versed in numerous other areas of law applicable to State AG activity, including:

  • Representing and opposing State AGs in appellate matters across the country;
  • Representing clients called before numerous different professional licensing boards in which State AGs represent those licensing boards;
  • Representing clients in matters involving trusts, estates, and funds in which State AGs have an interest;
  • Representing hospitals and other health care companies in building compliance programs and defending these clients against State AG enforcement actions and in False Claims Act matters;
  • Counseling clients regarding state environmental laws and regulatory changes; and
  • Advising clients in state and federal antitrust enforcement and investigations.

Our objective is to optimize our clients’ successes. Taft’s lawyers effectively guide our clients through their insightful counsel and strategic abilities within and beyond the courtroom.

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